
I’m pregnant!

I was thinking of finding some super cute way of announcing it – but honestly, I’m so exhausted and nauseous that it took me this long to even get to those two words.

I’ve announced it to most of my family, and a few close friends, and the rest of the world is subject to just speculating until I get to 12 weeks (only 4 weeks away!!)

Baby due November 2013. :)

(I’ll be back soon to bore you with details)

10 thoughts on “And…

  1. Congratulations! I can’t even remember how I found your blog, but we are also trying to have a baby after 2 miscarriages, and I was excited to hear your news! Looking forward to following this journey with you, and hoping to be joining you on that side of TTC soon! Here’s to a happy and healthy 9 months for you and your baby :)

  2. CONGRATS! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I hate that I’m so far behind on these wonderful news! We were out of the country for my brother’s wedding & then my internet stopped working, etc, etc! I’m so happy for you and your family & I know its a dream come true for you. Now I have to catch up on your posts! Can’t wait!

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